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幸福を自ら生み出す力を持つ人たちを目にするとき、それは私たち自身の仏性への深い信頼をもたらします。この信頼とは理論ではありません; 現実なのです。私たちがまわりを見渡して、一人の人が幸福と慈悲と共に生きていることが分かれば、そのこと自体が他者を幸福にする力を持っているのです。理解力や愛する力がない人は、その人自身が苦しみ、そして他の人たちをも苦しめてしまうのです。


迦羅摩経には、若者がブッダにこう申し出る箇所があります; 『たくさんの精神指導者たちが私たちを訪ねて来ます。そうした先生たちの多くは自分の方法こそ真実の方法であり、その方法にならうべきだと話すのです。一体誰に従ったらいいのか分かりません。どうか私たちがどうすべきか教えてください。』




On Faith

We think that when we commit to another person, we need to have faith in that person, to trust that they are worthy of our commitment. But really, the other person is someone with challenges and strengths, just like everyone else. If we place our faith in a god, then perhaps later we will lose that faith. If we have faith in a person, then we may also lose faith in that person. We should have faith in something more steadfast and enduring. We need to have faith in ourselves and the Buddha within. When we see people who have the capacity to generate happiness, this gives us faith in our own Buddha nature. This faith is not a theory; it is a reality. We can look around and see that a person who lives with happiness and compassion has the capacity to make others happy. Someone who does not have the capacity to understand and love suffers and causes others to suffer.


In the Kalama Sutra, there’s a passage where a young person says to the Buddha, “There are many spiritual teachers who visit us. Many of them also say that their way is the true way, and that we should follow them. We don’t know whom we should follow! Please, Buddha, teach us what we should do.”
The Buddha said, “Do not have faith in something because a famous spiritual teacher said it. Do not have faith in something because it was recorded in scriptures. Do not have faith in something because everyone believes in it. Do not have faith in something because it is laid down in custom. Hearing something, we should examine it closely, comprehend it, and apply it. If, when we apply it, there is a result, then we can have faith in it.  If there is no result, then we should not have faith in it just because of custom, scripture, or some spiritual teacher. 


-Thich Nhat Hanh